
Implementasikan Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi, Unifa kembangkan pariwisata Selayar

UNIFA, Makassar

Sebagai wujud implementasi Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi, Universitas Fajar kembangkan kerjasama dengan pihak Pemkab Kepulauan Selayar dalam hal pengembangan kepariwisataan di Selayar. Hal tersebut diungkapkan dalam pertemuan antara Pemkab Selayar dengan pihak Yayasan Pendidikan Fajar di Gedung Graha Pena, Rabu (22/6).

Rektor Unifa, Sadly Abdul Djabar menyatakan bahwa saat ini PT yang dipimpinya banyak menjajaki kerjasama dengan berbagai pihak sebagai wujud kontribusi universitas sebagai lembaga pendidikan terhadap pembangunan.

"Kami saat ini terus menggiatkan implementasi tridharma perguruan tinggi dalam bentuk kerjasama dengan berbagai pihak utamanya dalam hal riset dan pengabdian kepada masyarakat", tutur Sadly.

Menurutnya, pihak Unifa sangat terbuka jika ada pihak yang ingin menjalin kerjasama dalam hal tersebut seperti halnya Pemkab Selayar.

Lebih lanjut Sadly menjelaskan bahwa nantinya akan ada tiga bidang penting yang akan menjadi fokus kerjasama antara Unifa dan Pemkab Selayar dalam bidang kepariwisataan yakni pembinaan sumber daya manusia, perencanaan keterkelolaan destinasi wisata, serta perancangan promosi pariwisata Selayar.

Selanjutnya kesepakatan kerjasama tersebut akan ditandatangani di Kementrian Pariwisata akhir Juni mendatang.


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2840 Komentar

  1. Tommygam

    [b] Description: [/b]

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    [b]Description of the Balanset-1A Device[/b]

    The Balanset-1A is a compact, dual-channel solution for balancing and vibration analysis of rotating mechanisms, including crushers, fans, mulchers, choppers, shafts, centrifuges, turbines, and other rotary equipment.

    [b]Key Features and Capabilities[/b]

    [b]Vibration Measurement Mode[/b]

    Tachometer: Exact measurement of rotational speed (RPM).
    Phase: Determines the vibration signal's phase angle for accurate analysis.
    1x Vibration: Measurement and analysis of the dominant frequency component.
    FFT Spectrum: Thorough analysis of the vibration signal's frequency spectrum.
    Overall Vibration: Keeps track of overall vibration levels.
    Measurement Log: Saves data for later analysis.

    [b]Balance Function[/b]

    Single-Plane Balancing: Adjusts rotors in a single plane to reduce vibration.
    Two-Plane Balancing: Dynamic adjustment of rotors in two planes.
    Polar Diagram: Visualizes rotor imbalance on a polar chart for accurate placement of corrective weights.
    Last Session Recovery: Provides the option to resume the last balancing session.
    Tolerance Calculator (ISO 1940): Computes permissible imbalance per ISO 1940 standards.
    Grinding Wheel Balancing: Corrects grinding wheel imbalance with three counterweights.

    [b]Charts and Diagrams[/b]

    Overall Graphs: Shows overall vibration levels.
    1x Graphs: Shows vibration characteristics at the primary frequency.
    Harmonic Graphs: Visualizes the effects of harmonic frequencies.
    Spectral Graphs: Graphically shows the frequency spectrum for in-depth analysis.

    [b]Additional Capabilities[/b]

    Archive: Store and access previous balancing sessions.
    Reports: Automatically generate detailed balancing reports.
    Rebalancing: Simplifies rebalancing using stored data.
    Serial Production Balancing: Suitable for balancing rotors in mass production settings.

    [b]What’s in the Package[/b]

    Balanset-1A is supplied with:

    A measurement unit with interface connectivity.
    Two vibration transducers.
    Optical sensor (laser tachometer) with a magnetic holder.
    Digital weight scales.
    Software (laptop sold separately).
    Transport case.

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    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/vibromera_ou/
    Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@vibromera
    Website: [url=https://vibromera.eu/shop/874/]vibromera.eu[/url]


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